Thursday, October 10, 2013

How to take care of your baby’s teeth

The best way to make sure your baby has a healthy mouth – and body – is to practice good oral cleaning, eating and drinking habits at home. Here are a few tips for ensuring that your child has healthy teeth for a lifetime:

Start early!

  • Beginning at birth, wipe your child’s gums with a washcloth or piece of gauze after feeding.
  • As soon as you see the first tooth (usually around 6 months), start bushing your baby’s teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush and a rice-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste. Place your baby’s head in your lap to make brushing easier.

Choose healthy food and drinks

  • If you give your baby a bottle at bedtime or naps, fill it with water. Juice, formula, milk and breast milk can cause decay if left in your baby’s mouth.
  • When your child is ready, provide healthy snacks such as cheese, fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid cavity-causing soda and candy and limit carbohydrate snacks such as crackers and pretzels.
  • Offer water instead of juice. Constantly sipping sweet drinks during the day or snacking on sticky foods can cause tooth decay.

Lift the lip and look
  • Every month, lift your baby’s lip and look for changes on his/her teeth. Tooth decay often starts on the front or back of the front teeth and along the gums.
  • If you notice white or brown spots on the teeth or anything unusual, contact your baby’s physician or dentist.

  • Have your baby’s mouth checked by a dentist or physician by age one, sooner if you notice a problem.
  • During the checkup your dentist or physician should look for signs of early tooth decay, talk about daily tooth care including brushing, and discuss your baby’s diet and eating habits.
  • Ask whether your child needs a fluoride varnish and fluoride drops or tablets (if your water does not contain fluoride).

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