Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What you need to know about dental care for your pets

You brush your teeth every day and visit the dentist for regular checkups to maintain good oral health.  But when was the last time you worried about your cat or dog's teeth and gums?  

Like humans, animals are subject to periodontal disease.  They can also break teeth, get cavities and develop infections in their gums.   These infections can ultimately travel through their bloodstream, making them sick.  Many pets won't let on that their teeth or gums are causing them pain, which means that it's important you ensure their mouths are in a healthy state.

Check your cat or dog's mouth on a regular basis.  Look for red or inflamed gums, a foul odour (that goes beyond normal bad breath), pus or broken teeth.  If you see any of these symptoms, it's time to take your pet to the vet for an oral check-up.

The veterinarian will be able to assess the problem and come up with a treatment plan.  The majority of dental issues will require treatment to make sure that infection does not spread.

If your pet currently has good oral health, there are things that you can do to help it stay that way.  It's a common myth that dry food and treats are all your pet needs for healthy teeth and gums.  While chewing food and bones can help prevent build-up, that alone will not keep their mouths healthy.

Like you, your pet's teeth should be brushed on a regular basis.  Your pet may not like having a toothbrush in its mouth, so you will have to build up to it.  There are special toothpastes and gels available for pets, but it's the brushing that does most of the work.  Try dipping the toothbrush in a tasty liquid, such as a light gravy to make it more appealing.  Avoid  toothpaste designed for humans since it can cause stomach upset.


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