Saturday, October 4, 2014

Trick or Treat: 3 Tips For Clean Teeth During National Dental Hygiene Month Part 2

(Photo : Getty)

If you develop bad breath don't simply try to mask it with mints. "Anaerobic bacteria can also lead to painful and potentially serious conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis, so it's best to attack the problem at the root," the expert stressed.

(Photo : Getty)

Maintaining the proper balance or oral bacteria will not only keep your breath fresh, it will help you maintain good oral health.

Add tongue scraping and an oxidizing daily rinse to your oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing reach about 25% of your mouth, and that's why you should add tongue scraping and rinsing to your daily routine. 

(Photo : Getty)
"That white stuff you might see on your tongue is a collection of food particles and other organic matter, which can putrefy and create oral malodor ants," said Dr. Kross. 

"Oxygen inhibits the growth of the responsible anaerobic bacteria, so scraping off the film and using an oxidizing mouthwash will counter that problem."  

Control bad breath by controlling the mouth's bacteria. Brush at least twice a day, floss, scrape the tongue and use a non-alcoholic rinse that has oxidizing properties.  Dr. Kross says individuals suffering from bad breath will experience optimum relief only by using alcohol-free, oxidizing oral hygiene products. 

(Photo : Getty)

"At least 90% of bad breath problems are associated with the sulfurous compounds generated by the putrefying, malodor-forming, anaerobic bacteria, which hide in oral crevices, and which degrade food particles and salivary cell fragments," Kross explained. 

"For a cleaner mouth and fresher breath, you'll need oxidants to destroy a major portion of the bacteria in these low-oxygen environments, thereby removing the root cause of persistent halitosis." 
Planning on stepping your oral hygiene game up? We know we are!


1 comment:

  1. Dental hygiene decreases the number of bacteria in the mouth, thus reducing the risk of infection and periodontitis, and preventing tooth decay, which is of bacterial aetiology.
