Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Five Dental Tips for Seniors from Austin Dentists

 Similar to the rest of the body, aging takes its toll on teeth. Even with those who take pristine care of their mouths, years of use can lead to lessened enamel, surface cavities, tooth sensitivity, darkened teeth and gum disease. Although these are common oral healthcare issues, if left untreated, they can lead to larger, more serious health concerns. Elderly adults should be prepared to handle mouth-related issues to maintain total body wellness, so Dr. Chad Denman, an Austin dentist / Round Rock dentist at Family Tree Dental Group, has put together a list of tips for their consideration:

1. Don’t skip the basics. After a lifetime of maintaining oral healthcare habits, one may be tempted to skip now and again, but the basic rules still apply – brush twice a day with a fluoride-enhanced toothpaste, floss once a day, rinse with mouthwash, and maintain regular dental visits as instructed by the dentist.

2. Get a discount. Organizations like the American Association for Retired People (AARP) offer dental plans for elderly adults that act as a discount program. These programs are often less expensive than dental insurance and don’t have the yearly limitations of the insurance plans. The discounts can be used in tandem with dental insurance, though, for maximum savings.

3. Know the signs. Seniors are more susceptible to types of oral cancer, particularly if using or having previously used cigarettes, tobacco and/or alcohol. Oral cancer is very treatable if caught early. Warning signs include odd lumps or lesions in the mouth and chronic bleeding. While the dentist should check for these signs during regular visits, older adults should watch for any symptoms and, if found, schedule a dental appointment immediately for evaluation.

4. Make adjustments, if needed. Arthritis or other medical conditions may lead to difficulty in brushing and flossing. If so, don’t give up, just readjust your approach. Consider purchasing an electric toothbrush. Try a water pick or irrigator instead of traditional floss. A temporary solution may include using a damp washcloth or gauze to remove food from teeth, while rinsing regularly.

5. Care for dentures. Dentures and dental bridges should receive the same level of care as regular teeth. Brush inside and out daily and put in water each evening. Use an appropriate denture power/paste or baking soda for cleaning. Remember to brush and floss any remaining natural teeth and gums. If the denture becomes broken, chipped, doesn’t fit properly or is causing pain, see your dentist for adjustments. 

Sources: Watch Lists News

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