Thursday, May 30, 2013

Five Dental Tips for Teenagers from Family Tree Dental Group

 Teenagers care about their appearance. One of the first things their friends and classmates will notice about them is their smile. Teens lead active lives, but following a few simple rules will help them ensure that they continue to smile bright both during school and in the years ahead. Dr. Chad Denman, an Austin dentist / Round Rock dentist at Family Tree Dental Group, has put together a list of simple but important tips for teens to follow for a happy and healthy smile:

1. Skip sodas. Not only do sugar-laden soft drinks increase the risk of becoming overweight and developing type 2 diabetes, they also can cause cavities and destroy the enamel that protects teeth. Once enamel is gone, there’s no replacing it, so teens are cautioned to choose their beverages wisely. Sports drinks and juices are typically just as bad for the teeth. Water and milk are the dentist-recommended drink choices, but if a teen can’t resist the soda, follow it up immediately by rinsing the mouth with water.

2. Avoid tongue piercings. It’s no secret that teenagers like to experiment and push boundaries, which may include body piercings. One type of piercing that can do major damage to the teeth is, of course, tongue piercings. These piercings are notorious for causing simple cosmetic damage like chipped teeth, but can also lead to major problems like fractures that may require a root canal to repair.

3. Protect one’s assets. A person’s smile is one of their most valuable assets and should be protected when playing contact sports. Oral injuries are frequent among teens that play sports like football, soccer, basketball, hockey, and many more. While mouth guards can be purchased at a store, the best protection comes from a custom-fit guard created by the family dentist.

4. No smoking. Many teens go through a phase where they may want to try smoking tobacco. Long-term effects of smoking include increased risk for several types of cancer, strokes, lung disease and coronary heart disease. Immediate effects, however, include tooth and gum staining, tartar build-up and bad breath – that’s not cute on anyone.

5. Care for dental braces. Many teens wear dental braces at some point, whether the traditional variety or an Invisalign-type product. It’s extremely important that teenagers take particular care of their teeth while wearing braces, as food particles are more likely to get stuck in braces, which can lead to serious cavity problems. Keep a travel toothbrush and floss handy at all times for regular use and emergencies.

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