Q: My 5-year-old dog has bad breath that smells "mossy" like a creek bed. She's had it ever since I adopted her one year ago. Her last wellness check was in December and she had her teeth professionally cleaned in August. I brush her teeth at least twice a week, but the odor persists. Could this distinct smell be a sign of something else?
A: Halitosis (bad breath) in dogs is most commonly due to dental disease, which is the most common disease affecting the pet population. Dental disease is caused by plaque bacteria that can cause inflammation, bone loss and eventually tooth loss, if not actively treated. Certain breeds of dogs, particularly toy breeds, may be predisposed to suffer from dental disease, and require more aggressive dental care in order to keep their dental disease in check.
The best way to prevent dental disease at home is to brush your pet's teeth daily. Even brushing twice a week is not enough to keep plaque and calculus from building up rapidly. Using diets and treats that are formulated to help prevent plaque and calculus accumulation can also help to keep dental disease and halitosis at bay. It is important to ask for guidance from your veterinarian when choosing these diets, as some dogs have specific dietary requirements.
Although dental disease is the most common cause of halitosis, there can be other underlying causes. These conditions can include metabolic disorders such as diabetes and liver disease, as well as tonsillitis, or gastrointestinal problems. Diet can also play a role. The first step to diagnosing the source of the halitosis is a thorough checkup at the veterinarian's office, followed by full-mouth dental X-rays and cleaning in order to get your pet's oral health evaluated before commencing a daily brushing routine.
Read more: SFGate / http://www.sfgate.com/pets/askthevet/article/Dental-disease-linked-to-halitosis-4368124.php#ixzz2OH7nknrX
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